

  • 水处理


2011-03-23 15:32来源:中华人民共和国环境保护部关键词:环保部氮氧化物防治电力环保收藏点赞




索 引 号: 000014672/2010-00037

Index No: 000014672/2010-00037

分类: 环境科技及其管理信息\环境标准

Classification: Environmental Technologies and Its Management and Information/ Environmental Standard

发布单位: 科技标准司

Announcement Party: technology Standard Department

生成日期: 2010年01月27日

Date of Occurrence: January 27, 2010

名 称: 关于发布《火电厂氮氧化物防治技术政策》的通知

Subject: Regarding Notice of Issuance of《Fossil-fired Power Plant‘s NOx Emission Prevention and Control Policy

文 号: 环发[2010]10号

Document No.: Huan Fa No. 10 [2010]


《Fossil-fired Power Plant‘s NOx Emission Prevention and Control Policy》

1总则 General Provisions


1.1 This Technology Policy is to thoroughly set 《People's Republic of China‟s Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law》, to control NOx emission caused pollution from fossil-fuel fired power plants, to improve ambient air quality, to protect the ecological environment and promote sustainable development of the thermal power industry, and advancement of NOx emission reduction and control technologies.


1.2 This Technology Policy applies to NOx emissions control of coal-fired power generation and cogeneration units. For control of NOx emissions by power generating and cogeneration units burning other type of fuels, please refer to this Technology Policy for implementation.


1.3 The Technology Policy‟s focus is on the control of 200MW or bigger coal-fired power generation and cogeneration units throughout the country and all such units in air pollution control “Focus Regions”.


1.4 Strengthen our adjustments on better structuring the power sources, speed up the elimination of 100MW or smaller coal-fired, condensing turbine units, continue to implement the "replacing smaller units with big ones" policy and actively develop high-capacity, sophisticated-parameter large-scale coal-fired units and “using heat to fix cogenerated power” projects in cogeneration, so to improve the utilization efficiency of energy resources.

2 防治技术路线 Prevention and Control Technology Pathway


2.1 Promote rational use of fuels and pollution control technology in combination, as well as combustion control technology and flue gas deNOX technology in combination as comprehensive prevention and control measures to reduce NOx emissions from coal-fired power plants.


2.2 The selection of coal-fired power plant NOx control technologies should be in accordance with local, coal and combustion unit (boiler) conditions, as determined by technical maturity, reasonable economics, and ease of operation.


2.3 Low NOx Combustion Technologies should be used as the priority choice of technology for NOx control. After Low NOx Combustion Technologies, if the NOx level still cannot meet the emission standard or total emission reduction requirement, the unit should install flue gas deNOx facility.

3低氮燃烧技术 Low NOx Combustion Technologies


3.1 When designing and producing power generating boilers, the boiler or other manufacturers should configure highly efficient Low NOx Combustion Technology devices to reduce NOx generation and emission.


3.2 New, renovated or expanded coal-fired power plants should select power generating boilers equipped with high efficiency Low NOx Combustion Technology and devices.


3.3 The operating coal-fired units, if the NOx emission levels cannot meet the emission standard or total emission reduction requirement, should be renovated with Low NOx Combustion Technology and devices.

4烟气脱硝技术 Flue Gas DeNOx Control Technologies


4.1 The new, renovate or expanded coal-fired and cogeneration units located in air pollution control “Focus Regions” should be equipped with NOx Control facilities which should be designed, installed and operated at the same time as the boiler. All the new, renovate or expanded coal-fired and cogeneration units “Not in Focus Regions” should comply with the respective permit report approved NOx Emission Standard, total emission target and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) requirement.


4.2 The operating units after installing the Low NOx Technology, if the NOx level still cannot meet the emission standard or total emission reduction requirement should install flue gas deNOx facility.


4.3 Major flue gas deNOx technologies include: SCR, SNCR, Combined SNCR-SCR and other deNOx technologies.


4.3.1 The Newly, renovated or expanded plant‟s coal-fired units should prefer to use SCR. Units equal to or smaller than 600 MW can also choose to use SNCR-SCR.


4.3.2 Operating units burning anthracite or low grade Ping coal and with less than 20 years vintage should prefer to use SCR or SNCR-SCR.


4.3.3 Operating units burning bituminous or brown coal and with less than 20 years vintage should prefer to use SNCR or other flue gas deNOx technologies.


4.4 Selection of Reducing Agent for flue gas DeNOx Process


4.4.1 The selection of reducing agent should consider overall factors including safety, environmental protection, economics, etc.


4.4.2 When choosing anhydrous ammonia, the unit should meet the regulations stipulated in 《Identification of Significantly Large Hazardous Sources《GB 18218》 and “Fire Prevention Specifications in Architect Design《GB50016》”.


4.4.3 When deNOx facilities are located in high population density regions, urea is preferred to be used as the reducing agent.


4.5 Secondary Emissions from Flue Gas deNOx Process

4.5.1SCR和SNCR-SCR氨逃逸控制在2.5mg/m3(干基,标准状态)以下;SNCR氨逃逸控制在8 mg/m3(干基,标准状态)以下。

4.5.1 The ammonia slip for SCR and SNCR-SCR should be controlled to 2.5mg/m3 (dry, standard) or below;the ammonia slip for SNCR should be controlled at a maximum of 8 mg/m3 (dry, standard).


4.5.2 Activity regeneration treatment should be exercised on spent SCR catalyst as a priority. For the catalysts that cannot be restored for activity, non-hazardous treatment should be applied.

5新技术开发 New Technology Development


5.1 Encourage the development and application of high efficiency Low NOx Combustion Technologies and Circulated Fluidized Bed (CFB) boilers for the conditions suitable to China.


5.2 Encourage R&D development and application of flue gas deNOx technologies that have independent intellectual property rights, simultaneous deSOx and deNOx control technologies, and NOx product / byproduct resource utilization.


5.3 Encourage development and application of low-cost, high-performance catalyst materials, new catalysts, and deactivated catalyst regeneration and safe disposal technologies.


5.4 Encourage the development of proprietary on-line continuous monitoring devices.


5.5 Encourage new R&D and development using industrial grade urea for flue gas deNOx processes.

6运行管理 Operations Management


6.1 Coal-fired power plants should employ optimized operational Low NOx Combustion Technologies so to provide the best function of Low NOx Combustion devices.


6.2 Flue gas deNOX facilities shall have integrated management as the main power generating equipment, and to provide specific manpower for its maintenance and management and routine trainings to relevant personnel.


6.3 On a regular basis, establish and improve operations of flue gas deNOx facilities, such as routine maintenance procedures and ledger management system. Provide routine checks on various equipment, electrical lines, control meters, etc. so the inspection and maintenance can ascertain that the deNOx facilities are operating stably and reliably.


6.4 Coal-fired power plant should be equipped with Continuous NOx Emission Monitors (CEMs) in accordance with the 《Technical Specifications for Fossil-fired Power Plant Flue Gas Continuous Emission Monitoring》(HJ/T75) .

The CEMs should have necessary quality assurances so to ensure the integrity and accuracy of monitored data, and should be connected with the information system of environmental protection administrative department, and to store the relevant operation data and records for a minimum of three years.


6.5 When using anhydrous ammonia as the reducing agent, the operating unit should base on 《Hazardous Chemical Safety Management Regulations》 to provide necessary emergency rescue preparatory plan, emergency rescue crew, and the necessary emergency rescue devices, equipment, and regularly conduct hazardous prevention drills.


6.6 Power plant should strictly follow pertinent national hazardous waste treatment and disposal provisions for the management of deactivated and non-renewable spent catalyst.

7监督管理 Supervision


7.1 One may not stop operating the flue gas deNOx facilities at will. In the event that the deNOx facility is shut down due to an emergency or malfunction, the power plant should immediately report to the local environmental protection administrative department.


7.2 The environmental protection administration departments at various levels should strengthen periodical inspection and supervision of the NOx emission control facilities in daily management and implementation status report. The plant should provide the operation and management information reports on the deNOx facilities, including data related to monitoring the instrument operation and calibration condition.


7.3 The local environmental protection administrative department where the power plant is located shall periodically monitor the flue gas deNOx emissions and supervise the deNOx facility‟s operations.

投稿与新闻线索:陈女士 微信/手机:13693626116 邮箱:chenchen#bjxmail.com(请将#改成@)


