

  • 水处理


2012-03-20 13:01来源:北极星电力网关键词:风机风能维斯塔斯收藏点赞







此次订单内容包括风机的交货、安装督导和调试,同时包含一项维斯塔斯在线® SCADA系统,以及一份为期两年的服务与维护服务协议。第一批风机计划于2012年三季度交付。

Vestas wins 50 MW in Fujian

Total installed base in the province to exceed 450 MW

Vestas has received an order from Longyuan, one of China’s largest wind energy developers, for 50 MW. The order consists of 25 units of the high-performing V90-2.0 MW turbine. The turbines will be installed at Qiulu wind farm near Putian, Fujian province. Upon completion of this project, Vestas will reach a total installed base of more than 450 MW in the province.

Fujian Putian and the south-eastern coastal areas of China are characterised by having low average wind speeds with occasional strong gusts. This is the first time Vestas is installing the V90-2.0 MW turbine in Fujian province, which delivers high output under low-wind conditions and is durable enough to withstand the occasional strong gusts. In order to ensure the business case for the customer, Vestas has thoroughly analysed the possible wear and tear of the wind turbines over the lifetime of the project on the Qiulu site, and has arrived at the conclusion of equipping the turbines with power backup for the yaw system. In case of power outages during the extreme winds, the power backup enables the turbine to turn towards the wind and thereby dramatically reduce the risks of possible damages to the equipment.

Jens Tommerup, President of Vestas China says, “As the wind energy industry in China is gradually becoming more sophisticated, we are increasingly considering special solutions. Apart from providing reliable high quality wind turbines, we also need to design and provide tailor-made solutions to meet our customers’ needs.”

The first Vestas turbines installed in the province dates back to 2008, and Vestas has steadily firmed its presence in the province over the past four years. In 2011, Vestas won orders amounting to more than 100 MW from Fujian province alone out of a total order intake of nearly 800 MW for all of China.

The order includes supply of wind turbines, installation and commissioning, a Vestas Online® SCADA system and a service and maintenance agreement. Delivery is scheduled to take place in the third quarter of 2012.

投稿与新闻线索:陈女士 微信/手机:13693626116 邮箱:chenchen#bjxmail.com(请将#改成@)

