

  • 水处理

浩亭:Han&reg Ex特别适用于有爆炸可能的区域

2014-06-03 09:59来源:浩亭(珠海)贸易有限公司关键词:浩亭Ex连接器连接器收藏点赞



Han® Ex连接器

Han® Ex连接器是满足防爆领域要求为前提条件的高质量连接方案。包括矿业、化工和工业自动化行业的应用。


Han® Ex产品提供包括外壳和插芯的完整连接器系列。外壳合金经过精心选择,可以用在粉末状甲烷煤灰尘环境。

另外,连接器还提供在连接环境下IP 65保护。蓝色的外壳表示带有内在安全线路。插芯能容纳很多插针,即使在最紧密的空间,也能满足防火类标准。

接线技术为快速锁定端接(Han-Quick Lock®)专利技术。

该技术能让组装更快速和简单,无需特殊工具。即使是要求苛刻的应用,可靠的防震插针亦能提供最大的安全性。而且,经验证的压接技术还可以作为端接方式,可以连接0.14 至 2.5mm2的横截面。

Han® Ex ideally suited for potentially explosive areas

Han® Ex meets all the preconditions for the implementation of high-quality connectivity solutions in application areas with explosion protection requirements. This includes applications in mining and the chemical and process automation industries.

The connectors are designed to meet the intrinsic safety requirements of the ignition protection class and can therefore be used in explosion-hazard areas 1 and 2. In intrinsically safe circuits, energy is limited in such a manner that even a potential spark cannot ignite an explosive environment.

The Han® Ex product portfolio offers complete connector systems consisting of housings and s. The housing‘s alloy was ed so that it can be used in pulverized methane-coal dust atmospheres.

Furthermore, they offer IP protection class 65 in mated condition. The housing’s blue color indicates that an intrinsically safe circuit is present. The contact s provide a high number of pins and meet the standards of the ignition protection class even in the tightest of spaces.

The termination technology is the patented Han-Quick Lock® technology.

This allows time-saving and easy assembly without special tools. The reliable and vibration-proof contacting provides maximum safety even in demanding applications. Moreover, the proven crimp technology can also be ed as the termination method, with cross-sections of 0.14 to 2.5mm2 able to be connected.

原标题:Han® Ex特别适用于有爆炸可能的区域
投稿与新闻线索:陈女士 微信/手机:13693626116 邮箱:chenchen#bjxmail.com(请将#改成@)


