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2018-06-13 09:04来源:中核集团作者:刘洋 余群关键词:核电中核集团三代核电收藏点赞





为此,中核集团官微围绕WANO上海中心、核电安全运营、中国核电未来发展等话题,专题采访了世界核电运营者协会首席执行官Peter Prozesky先生。






未来上海中心将被打造成具有国际影响力的区域核电运营者交流和合作平台。对于上海中心下一步工作,Peter 先生表示,WANO将通过国际合作、全球互联互通、专家信息共享等持续为中国核电事业发展提供更多更好的服务。“目前我们正在就上海中心的具体事项正在考虑几种不同的选项,这些选项将由WANO执委会进行讨论。一旦这些选项和相关细节得到明确,我们就可以继续推进第五中心事宜。”



在谈到WANO职责时,Peter 先生介绍到,“一直以来,WANO为会员提供各种活动,参与挑战,寻找解决方案,分享信息和最佳实践,并拓宽他们的专业网络。目的只有一个——提高全球核电机组安全可靠运行。”

Peter 先生在发电领域有38年工作经验,对核电站安全运营熟悉,获得过高级反应堆操纵员执照,于2015年12月被任命为WANO 首席执行官。

对于核电安全,Peter 先生用“持续提升”进行了强调,他指出,福岛核事故之后,WANO与其会员紧密合作,确保吸取经验教训,确定需要改进领域,并在全球超过460家商业运行的核电厂实施新的安全措施。其中许多是复杂并具有挑战性的,且需要花费大量时间和资源才能完成。“近年来全球核电厂的核安全和业绩都取得了重大进展。特别是从福岛核事故取得经验教训使我们在全世界范围内总共执行了大约6000项旨在加强安全的活动。现在,这些项目已经由WANO及其全球会员成功实施。”

而对于中核集团在确保核电安全运营方面的努力,Peter 先生表示了赞赏。特别是在提到,WANO公布的2017年度全球核电机组运行业绩排名中,中核集团共有6台机组在评比中获得100分时,他相信这些经验将为世界核电安全可靠运行贡献更多中国智慧和中国力量。

“我们相信实现卓越安全的道路是持续的。”在谈到未来发展时,Peter 先生表示,“WANO将继续与其会员合作,履行使全球核电厂的安全性和可靠性最大化的使命。”



在谈到中国核电的发展时,Peter 先生多次表示,WANO对中国核电的发展有着特别的关注。他认为,“中国将在未来几十年里在全球核电行业发展中起到关键的领导作用。”

“在核电厂的堆型方面,我们只要求我们的会员不论采用任何堆型和设备,都要最大可能地实现安全和可靠运行。”对于与中国的未来合作,Peter 先生强调,“我们欢迎中国会员及其合作伙伴的更多参与和贡献。在WANO,我们专注于最大限度地提高全球商业核电厂的安全性和可靠性。因此,中国核电界所能做的任何可以帮助并支持WANO实现提高核电厂的安全性和可靠性的活动,都会得到WANO的大力支持。”

1.What kind of role does WANO play in the cooperation among various members to achieve win-win relationship? In the future, in which area does WANO plan to play a greater role?

“WANO ensures that all members collaborate and provide resources to deliver our key services – our performance analysis, our peer reviews, our member support missions, our training and development courses. This includes involving our members in events and initiatives that allow our members to discuss challenges, find solutions, share information and best practices, and broaden their professional network.

As for the future, we believe the journey towards safety excellence is continuous. Although major advances have been made to nuclear safety and plant performance since Fukushima, the industry must continue to evolve. WANO will continue to work with its members to deliver on its mission of maximising the safety and reliability of nuclear power plants worldwide.”

2.WANO’s 5th regional centre will soon be operating in Shanghai, how will WANO support it? And what is your expectations for the Shanghai Centre? .

“The proposed new WANO office is China constitutes the largest change to WANO since its inception. As a consequence, it will require the support and a majority vote of all of the WANO members to proceed. There are a few different options under consideration and they will be discussed by the WANO Governing Board. A bit more clarity is needed for our members on the way forward for this and the various options available. Once we have clarity on some of the options and the details are sufficiently advanced, we can approach the members for their permission to proceed.”

3.The number of nuclear power reactors in operation in China has ranked third in the world, as well as the number of reactors under construction has ranked first. Hualong One (HPR1000), independently developed by China with the third-generation nuclear power technology, is under construction both at home and abroad. Do you have any comments on the development of Chinese nuclear power, especially Hualong One (HPR1000)?

“We welcome a greater involvement and contribution from our Chinese members and partners. China will have a key leadership role to play in the development of the industry in the coming decades. At WANO, we are solely focussed on maximising the safety and reliability of commercial nuclear power plant members worldwide. So anything that the Chinese nuclear industry can do to help support us in our mission is strongly supported by us.

In terms of technology design and manufacture, WANO has a technology agnostic position. We do not comment on the merits of different technologies from various manufacturers – this is a very important part of our ethos and policy. We just require that whatever reactors and equipment our members use, they are installed and operated as safely and reliably as possible.”

投稿与新闻线索:陈女士 微信/手机:13693626116 邮箱:chenchen#bjxmail.com(请将#改成@)


