

  • 水处理


2009-05-27 17:59来源:北极星电力论坛关键词:核电词汇收藏点赞




abnormal condition                                         异常工况
absorber rod                                               吸收棒
absorption cross section                                     吸收截面
acceleration pressure drop                                   加速度压降
acceptable daily intake                                      日允许摄入量
acceptance                                                 验收
acceptance standard                                         验收标准
acceptance test                                              验收实验
accident analysis                                            事故分析
accident interlocking module                                  事故联锁组件
accident mitigation                                          事故缓解
accident source                                              事故源
accident shutdown                                           事故停堆
accumulator                                                安注箱
activation                                                   活化
active component                                            能动部件
active power                                                有用功率
actuate                                                     驱动,动作
activity concentration                                        放射性浓度
activity level                                                放射性活度
administration building and emergency center water supply and drainage system
absorber  chiller                                            吸收式制冷机
aerodynamic behavior                                        空气动力特性
after filter(or post-filter)                                      后置过滤器
after-power, residual heat power                             剩余功率
air change rate                                              换气率
air delivery pipe                                             供气管道
air filter unit                                                空气过滤机组
air flow rate                                                空气流量
air hose                                                    空气软管
air pump                                                   抽气泵
air self-cooling type                                          空气自冷式
airborne particulate sample                                   气载粒子取样器
alarm(output) module                                        报警(输出)组件
alarm window                                               报警窗
absorbed dose rate                                           吸收剂量
absorption coefficient                                        吸收系数
absorption ratio                                             吸收比
acceleration pressure loss                                     加速度损失
acceptance limit                                             可接受限值
acceptance criterion                                         验收准则
acceptance report                                           验收报告
access                                                       通道,入口
accident conditions                                           事故工况
accident management                                         事故处理
accident prevention                                           事故预防
accidental exposure                                           事故照射
accumulated dose                                             累积剂量
acid-proof tile                                                耐酸瓷砖
active carbon filter                                            活性碳过滤器
active core height                                             堆芯活性高度
activity                                                      活度
administration building and emergency center ventilation system
adoption by equivalent                                        等同采用
aerial cable                                                  架空电缆
aerosol                                                      气溶胶
after-heat, residual heat                                       剩余释热
air breaker                                                  空气断路器
air cooler                                                    空气冷却器
air filter and absorber unit                                     空气过滤吸附机组
air handling unit                                              空气处理机组
air intake                                                    采风口,进风口
air sampling device                                           空气取样设备
air submerasion dose                                          空气浸没剂量
airborne radioactivity                                         气载放射性
alarm                                                       警报,报警
alarm signal                                                 报警信号
albedo                                                      反射率
aligning pin                                                  定位销
alphanumeric keyboard                                       字母数字键盘
American Concrete Institute                                  美国混凝土学会
American National Standards Institute                         美国国家标准学会
American Nuclear Society                                    美国核学会
American Society of Mechanical Engineers                      美国机械工程学会
Ampacity                                                   载流量
analog/digital converter                                       模拟/数字转换器
analog signals                                                模拟信号
anchor bolt                                                  地角螺栓
annex                                                       附录(参考件)
anti-rust agent                                               防锈漆
anti-vibration bar                                            防振条
anticipated operational occurrences                             预期运行事件
antifoam reagent                                             防泡剂
appendix                                                    附录(补充件)
application program                                          应用程序
arc-lamp                                                    弧光灯
armored cable                                               铠装电缆
array                                                       排列
as-built drawing                                             竣工图
aseismic joint                                                防震缝
assessment                                                  评价
assessment of radiation protection                              辐射防护评价
atmospheric corrosion                                        大气腐蚀
atmospheric overvoltage                                      大气过电压
atmospheric radiation monitoring apparatus                     大气辐射监测装置
ATMS mitigation system ATMS                                缓解系统
audible count rate signal                                      计数率音响系统
audit                                                       监查
audit plan                                                   监查计划
all volatile treatment                                          挥发处理
ambient temperature                                         环境温度
American Institute of Steel Construction                      美国钢铁结构协会
American Society for Testing and Material                    美国材料与试验学会
American Society of Civil Engineers                          美国土木工程师学会
Ammeter                                                     电流表
analog channel                                                 模拟量通道
analog input                                                   模拟量输入
analog output                                                  模拟量输出
analogue link                                                   模拟接续线
anion bed                                                      阴离子床
anti-whip device                                                管道防甩装置
anti-seizer lubricant                                             防咬润滑剂
anti-vibration bar                                               防震杆
anticipated transient without scram(ATWS)               未能紧急停堆的预计瞬态
apparent power                                                视在功率
application package                                             应用软件包
approval                                                   批准,认可,审定
area radiation monitoring system                              区域辐射监测系统
as low as reasonable achievable(ALARA)                       合理可行尽量低
assembler                                                      汇编程序
assessment of exposure                                           照射评价
assignor                                                       委托者,指派者
asynchronous motor                                             异步电动机
atmospheric dispersion factor                                     大气弥散因子
atmospheric pressure                                            大气压力
atmospheric stability                                             大气稳定度
atom absorption spectroscopy                                     原子吸收谱
audible signals                                                  音响信号
audit follow-up                                                 监查后续行动
audit record                                                    监查记录
circuit diagram                                                 电路图
circulating cooler                                               循环冷风机
circulating cooling water energy disoersion               循环冷却水排放口消能系统
circulating cooling water pumping station system          循环冷却水泵房系统
circulating cooling water yard pipe network system        循环冷却水厂区管路系统
circulation ratio                                                 循环倍率
civil works                                                     土建工程
civil construction/engineering                                     土木建筑/工程

civil architecture                                              民用建筑
civil hospital                                                  地方医院
civil service                                                   行政事务
cladding                                                     包壳
cladding flattening                                            包壳压扁
clarification                                                  澄清,净化
classification of records                                        记录分类
cleanout                                                     清扫口
clevis insert                                                 (堆内构件)镶块
clock system                                                  时钟系统
closed circuit TV system                                        闭路电视系统
closed-circulating cooling water                                 闭路循环冷却水
closure head                                                  顶盖
coarse sand                                                   粗砂
coated electrode                                               药皮焊条
cobalt-base alloy                                               钴基合金
code case                                                     规范案例
code of federal regulation(CFR)                                  联邦管理法规
coil stack assembly                                             线圈组件
cold leg                                                       冷段
cold shutdown                                                 冷停堆
cold test                                                      冷态试验
cold-wall effect                                                冷壁效应
collapse level                                                  坍塌水位
color code                                                    色标
commissioning                                                调试
common base plate                                            公用底板
common switchboard                                          公共配电盘
communication system                                         通讯系统
circular railway                                               环形轨道
circulating cooling water drainage system                      循环冷却水排放系统
circulating cooling water intake system                        循环冷却水吸入系统
circulating cooling water treatment system                     循环冷却水处理系统
circulating water pump                                         循环水泵
circumferential ridge                                           周向环脊
clad pellet gap                                            包壳与芯块间的间隙
cladding creep                                                包壳蠕变
cladd, ing strain                                                包壳应变
clarifier                                                      澄清槽
cleaning                                                      清水池
climatology                                                   清洗
clear-water reservation                                         气候学
clockwise                                                     顺时针方向
closed cycle cooling water system                             闭式循环冷却水系统
closing(circuit breaker)                                         合闸(断路器)
coagulant                                                     凝聚剂
coast down flow                                               惯性流量
coaxial cable                                                  同轴电缆

compensated ionization chamber                          补偿电离室

compensation cable                                      补偿电缆

complete logbook                                        全日志

completion of erection release                             安装完工证书

component cooling water                                 设备冷却水

component cooling water pump                           设备冷却水泵

component cooling water surge tank                       设备冷却水波动箱


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