

  • 水处理


2015-05-21 10:39来源:发改委关键词:中巴气候联合声明可再生能源李克强访巴西收藏点赞



5. China and Brazil reiterate that the 2015 agreement shall address in a balanced manner mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer, and capacity-building, and transparency of action and support, building upon the institutions and the rules developed under the Convention.

6. China and Brazil also underline the importance of implementing the outcomes of the Bali Road Map in order to increase the pre-2020 ambition and ensure mutual trust amongst ries. In this sense, developed ries should raise their pre-2020 emission reduction targets and demonstrate in a clear and transparent manner how they will fulfill the commitment of providing to developing ries 100 billion US dollars per year by 2020.

7. China and Brazil are intensifying domestic preparations for their intended nationally determined contributions towards the objective of the Convention, as decided in the UN Warsaw and Lima Climate Conferences. Both sides indicate that their ambitious national initiatives and results achieved will be duly reflected in their respective contributions.

8. The two sides also recognize the importance of their cooperation and coordination on climate change in the context of the China-Brazil Global Strategic Partnership.China and Brazil recognize that their cooperation on climate change will achieve co-benefits in combating climate change and promoting energy security, environmentprotection and sustainable development. In this regard, the two sides agree to further enhance the high-level bilateral dialogue on domestic climate policies and multilateral process and strengthen their concrete bilateral cooperation, in particular in areas of renewable energy, forest sinks, energy conservation, energy efficiency, adaptation, and low-carbon urbanization.

9. China and Brazil further agree to intensify their cooperation in the development of solar energy, with a view to diversifying their respective energy matrices and contributing to their mitigation efforts. The two sides decide to foster cooperation and enhance their knowledge on photovoltaic panels and cells industry and explore business opportunities in this area, including mutual exchange of policy, planning, technology and standards, testing and certification and personnel training, and to promote investment projects and the establishment of related production facilities in Brazil by solar energy enterprises from China. The two sides will consider these issues and strengthen the bilateral dimensions of climate change and environmental issues under the China-Brazil High Level Coordination and Cooperation Committee (COSBAN).

投稿与新闻线索:陈女士 微信/手机:13693626116 邮箱:chenchen#bjxmail.com(请将#改成@)


