

  • 水处理


2016-10-18 15:21来源:国家电网公司关键词:电力作业直升机高原电力作业直升机国网招标采购收藏点赞







International Bidding for SGCC 2016 Electric Power Operation Helicopter

Invitation for Bids

Bid No.: 0711-1640SGM31015

1. Entrusted by State Grid Corporation of China (hereinafter referred to as “Tenderee”), State Grid Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Tendering Agent”) hereby invites sealed competitive bids from eligible Bidders (hereinafter referred to as “Bidders”) for the supply of the following goods and services by international competitive bidding under the Project of Electric Power Operation Helicopter.

The bid of supply and technical services includes 2 Lots as follows:

2.Interested bidders may send massages in written form or fax State Grid Materials Co., Ltd. for further information about the bidding documents.

State Grid Materials Co., Ltd.

Address: No.5, Liupukang Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, China

Postcode: 100120

Tel for bidding inquiry: 4008180899-3-1-11332016

Tel for payment inquiry: 4008180899-4-1

Tel for technical inquiry: 400-818-0899转1-3

Fax: (86-10)82288422

Email: zhaobiao3@sgm.sgcc.com.cn

Beneficiary: State Grid Materials Co., Ltd.

Opening bank: Liupukang sub-branch of ICBC

Ac Number: 0200022319006839209

3.A complete set of bidding documents in electronic version can be purchased by interested bidders online. No bidding documents in hard copy will be sold, bidders shall refer to bidding documents downloaded online with the electronic stamp of the Tendering Agent as the exclusive standard document. Members of State Grid Bidding Web can log on the website: https://bosp.stategrid.com.cn/ by using electronic key (initial password: 1234) to fill up the order and pay via online banking. Non-members can purchase bidding documents via mail. After the purchasing procedure completed, please check your SMS in order to receive the download notice. Bidders who do not purchase the bidding documents are not allowed to participate in the bidding.

投稿与新闻线索:陈女士 微信/手机:13693626116 邮箱:chenchen#bjxmail.com(请将#改成@)


