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2017-06-13 09:14来源:国家能源局关键词:电力行业清洁能源金砖国家能源部长会收藏点赞



The Declaration of 2nd BRICS Energy Ministerial Meeting

7th June 2017, Beijing

The BRICS Energy Ministers met in Beijing on 7th June 2017 and agreed that BRICS energy cooperation should be based on the following common understanding:

1. BRICS acknowledge that energy is one of the foundations of economic development and an essential component of social development.

2. As a group, with abundant and diverse natural resources and technological expertise, we represent an important share of the world's energy suppliers and consumers, and we foster technology innovation towards global energy transition.

3. While bearing in mind that fossil fuel remains one of the major sources of energy, we reiterate our belief that renewable and clean energy, research and development of new technologies and energy efficiency can constitute an important driver to promote sustainable development, new economic growth, reduce energy costs and increase the efficiency in the use of natural resources. Considering the dynamic link between renewable and clean energy and sustainable development, we reaffirm the importance of continuing international efforts aimed at promoting the deployment of renewable and clean energy and energy efficiency technologies, taking into ac national policies, priorities and resources. We stand for strengthening international cooperation to promote renewable and clean energy and to universalize energy access, which is of great importance to improving the standard of living of our peoples.

4. BRICS ries could also benefit from deeper engagement in joint discussions concerning recent trends in policies and regulations as applied to the power sector, touching on topics such as the integration of renewable energies and distributed generation.

5. BRICS should further strengthen cooperation in energy security by jointly carrying out studies in, among others, strategic stock reserves, renewable energy, energy efficiency, technology research and development and project financing. Furthermore, BRICS ries should, according to each ry's capacities and priorities, share their experiences and expertise in energy security and explore cooperation models that bring mutual benefits.

6. BRICS should actively encourage cooperation in renewable and clean energy development, and jointly push forward energy transition and access, in areas such as solar, wind, bioenergy (including first and second generation biofuels) and hyower. BRICS should seek to deepen their cooperation in areas such as information sharing, technology research and development, financial support and pilot programs to continue to reduce the development cost of clean energy. BRICS should also develop and support talent training programs, encourage the participation of youth and women in clean energy cooperation.

7. We recognize a wider use of natural gas as an economically efficient fuel, which can play a key role in the efficient realization of the energy transition and energy access.

8. BRICS will explore the feasibility of establishing a BRICS Energy Research Cooperation Platform, on the basis of which member ries can carry out joint studies on the energy cooperation potential and fully take advantage of each ry’s strength in resources, markets, funds, technologies and capacities, with a view to promote capacity cooperation, realize sustainable development, eliminate poverty and narrow the development gap.

9. We highlight that encouraging investment in priority areas such as energy is a strategic goal for the sustainable growth of our economies. In this regard, the BRICS ries agree to collaborate for the promotion of investment opportunities and note with appreciation the role of the New Development Bank (NDB) in fostering projects, particularly in the areas of renewable energy and energy efficiency. We note with appreciation the approval of the first set of loans by the New Development Bank (NDB), and express satisfaction with NDB's issuance of the first set of green bonds in RMB.

10. We will continue to build on the success of the first BRICS Energy Ministerial meeting held on 20th November 2015 in Moscow, which laid the framework for energy cooperation among BRICS ries.

11. We also welcome the convening of the meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Energy Saving and Improvement of Energy Efficiency held on 5th June 2017 in Beijing.





1. 金砖国家认识到,能源是经济发展的基础之一,是社会发展的重要组成部分。

2. 金砖国家拥有丰富多样的自然资源和技术专长,在世界能源的供应和消费中占有重要份额,通过技术创新实现全球能源转型。

3. 在认可化石燃料仍然作为主体能源之一的同时,我们重申共同的信条,即可再生能源和清洁能源,以及新技术的研发和能效是推动可持续发展的重要驱动力,可以创造新的经济增长,降低能源成本,提高自然资源的利用效率。鉴于可再生能源、清洁能源和可持续发展之间的关联,考虑到国家政策、优先事项和资源禀赋,我们重申:为促进可再生能源、清洁能源和能效技术应用而开展持续的国际努力至关重要。我们主张:通过加强国际合作,促进可再生能源及清洁能源发展,提高能源可及性,而这些对提高人民生活水平至关重要。

4. 金砖国家也将受益于更加深入地参与关于电力行业政策和法规最新趋势的联合研讨,包括涉及可再生能源并网及分布式发电等议题。

5. 金砖国家应通过开展战略储备、可再生能源、能源效率、技术研发以及项目融资等方面的联合研究,进一步加强能源安全合作。此外,金砖国家应根据各国的能力和优先事项,分享各自在能源安全领域的经验和专业知识,探索互利双赢的合作模式。

6. 金砖国家应积极鼓励在开发可再生能源和清洁能源领域的合作,在光伏、风能、生物质(第一和第二代生物燃料)和水电等领域共同推动能源转型,提高能源可及性。金砖国家应寻求在信息共享、技术研发、金融支持和试点项目等领域深化合作,继续降低清洁能源的开发成本。金砖国家还应发展和支持人才培养计划,鼓励青年和女性参与清洁能源合作。

7. 我们认识到,天然气作为一种经济高效的燃料获得了更广泛的使用,这将在有效实现能源转型和能源可及性中发挥关键作用。

8. 金砖国家将探索建立金砖国家能源研究合作平台的可行性。在此基础上,金砖国家开展能源合作潜力的联合研究,充分利用各个国家的资源、市场、资金、技术和能力优势,以期促进能力合作、实现可持续发展、消除贫困和缩小发展差距。

9. 我们强调,鼓励在能源等优先领域投资是我们经济可持续增长的战略目标。在这方面,金砖国家同意加强合作,提升投资机会,对新开发银行(NDB)在培育项目,尤其是可再生能源和能源效率方面的项目中所扮演的角色表示赞赏。我们赞赏新开发银行(NDB)批准在金砖国家发放第一批贷款,对新开发银行(NDB)发行第一批人民币绿色债券表示满意。

10. 2015年11月20日,首届金砖国家能源部长会在莫斯科成功举办,为金砖国家的能源合作奠定了框架基础。我们将在此基础上继续前进。

11. 金砖国家能效工作组会议于2017年6月5日在北京召开,我们对此表示欢迎。

投稿与新闻线索:陈女士 微信/手机:13693626116 邮箱:chenchen#bjxmail.com(请将#改成@)


