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2017-12-05 09:50来源:北极星电力网关键词:发改委天然气清洁能源收藏点赞
















Beijing, China, 4 December 2017

1. China and Canada affirm that action on climate change, including decisive steps towards low-carbon, climate-resilient and sustainable development is crucial. As a global challenge, climate change and the need to transition to a clean growth economy demand decisive, collaborative and cooperative response by governments, businesses, and other actors to drive momentum, in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication.

2. Premier Li Keqiang and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau agree that intensified cooperation between China and Canada is vital to mitigating climate change and adapting to its effects around the world. They further emphasize that protecting the environment and growing their economies go hand-in-hand. They are committed to take concrete actions and demonstrate determination to encourage the transition to a competitive, low carbon, climate-resilient economy and society, and promote clean growth.

Collaboration in the Multilateral Processes

3. China and Canada welcome the entry into force of the Paris Agreement, adopted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which, in enhancing the implementation of the Convention, including its objective, aims to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change. They reiterated that the Paris Agreement is irreversible and that it will not be renegotiated. They reaffirm their strong commitment to the Paris Agreement, moving swiftly towards its full and effective implementation reflecting equity and ‎in accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances, and will move forward on policies and measures to implement their respective nationally determined contributions (NDCs). They call on all Parties to uphold and advance the Paris Agreement, to implement their NDCs and to strengthen their efforts over time, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Agreement.

4. China and Canada welcome the Fiji Momentum for Implementation adopted at the COP23 held in November 2017. They will work together with other Parties towards the completion of the work programme related to the implementation of the Paris Agreement by 2018. They also note that pre-2020 implementation and ambition are of utmost importance, and enhanced pre-2020 ambition can lay a solid foundation for enhanced post-2020 ambition.

Concrete Bilateral Cooperation

5. China and Canada will strive to set the conditions whereby our bilateral collaboration and growing relationship accelerate our two ries’ efforts to mitigate climate change, build resilience, and support clean growth. This includes sharing information on relevant domestic policies, exchanging best practices, promoting cooperation on technology research and development. Recognizing the crucial role of industry and the private sector, China and Canada will facilitate business-to-business engagement to help capture economic opportunities arising from the transition to a greener, low carbon economy.

6. China and Canada agree to establish appropriate Ministerial Dialogues on cooperation on climate change and clean growth. The Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Change will be chaired by the National Development and Reform Commission of China and Environment and Climate Change Canada. It will provide a forum for a comprehensive policy dialogue on climate change, including strengthening their cooperation on market-based solutions, such as Canada’s pan-Canadian approach to carbon pricing and China’s national emission trading system, reducing reliance on traditional fossil energy and transitioning to clean energy, carbon capture and utilization storage technology, and strengthening partnerships in multilateral fora including through the UNFCCC. The two ries will strengthen technical and commercial cooperation on energy-saving and highly efficient products, and work to improve the efficient use of energy in communities and across all industrial, transportation, and building sectors. China and Canada will explore potential cooperation to advance trade opportunities for climate friendly products and services. The two Ministers will explore the mechanisms to establish the Dialogue at their next meeting.

7. The Ministerial Dialogue on Clean Energy will be chaired by the National Energy Administration of China and Natural Resources Canada. It will provide a forum to facilitate clean energy solutions, including, the transition from fossil energy to cleaner fuels, such as nuclear, renewables and natural gas. China and Canada will seek ways to expand our energy trade (including LNG), as well as accelerate commercial progress in our nuclear energy sector, including through the joint development of the Advanced Fuel CANDU Reactor in China and third ry markets, and the expanded trade of uranium. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in the Field of Energy, which the National Energy Administration of China and Natural Resources Canada renewed in June 2017, as well as the China-Canada Track II Energy Dialogue will also be key platforms to advance trade and investment opportunities.

8. China and Canada also welcomes the announcement of the renewal of the bilateral MOU Concerning Environmental Cooperation and the first Ministerial-level Dialogue on the Environment between the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China and Environment and Climate Change Canada. This mechanism will allow for high-level engagement and cooperation on issues of mutual interest including clean air, water, and soil, chemicals management, biodiversity, and conservation areas. This work will be aimed at achieving sustainable development to protect the health and well-being of the people and the environment of both ries. Canada will continue its support for the work of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development.

9. Through existing platforms or new mechanisms, including additional high-level bilateral dialogues involving or led by relevant government agencies as appropriate, China and Canada will continue and enhance vital work to promote clean growth.The two ries will promote sustainable energy and resource development, including upstream oil and gas, as well as the minerals and materials sectors. Both sides will continue to explore the possibility of accelerating innovation and commercialization of clean energy and technology demonstrations projects. They will also encourage the use of wood and wood products that are the result of sustainable forestry practices and increase collaboration to develop more eco-friendly projects made from green building materials, including Low Carbon Eco-district Demonstration projects and Multi-story and High-rise Timber Structure Demonstration projects.

投稿与新闻线索:陈女士 微信/手机:13693626116 邮箱:chenchen#bjxmail.com(请将#改成@)


