

  • 水处理

国际招标 | 莫桑比克42亿美元水电站项目咨询合同

2019-03-08 08:58来源:走出去情报关键词:水电站水电项目水力发电收藏点赞





莫桑比克水利资源及能源部将通过国际公开招标方式,确定42亿美元的Mphanda Nkuwa大坝咨询公司。该大坝规划地点位于莫桑比克最重要水电站Cahora Bassa下游60Km处的赞比西河上。

预计大坝将需要至少10年时间建成,坝高103米,预计装机容量为1.5GW。该项目原本于2007年9月获批建设,但一直停滞不前。去年,莫桑比克设立 Mphanda Nkuwa 水电项目实施办公室,恢复该项目计划。


该国有6座主要水电站。其中5座由国家电力公司运营,分别为 Mavuzi(52兆瓦),Chicamba(38.4兆瓦),Corumana(16.6兆瓦),Cuamba(1.9兆瓦)和Lichinga(0.73兆瓦);第6座电站即卡布拉巴萨水电站(Cahora Bassa)由独立电力生产商 Hidroélectricade Cahora Bassa 运营。

* 卡布拉巴萨水电站装机容量2075MW,平均发电量为15300GW·h,是莫桑比克重要的水力发电站。


The government of Mozambique has launched an international public tender for a consultant to help it develop a $4.2bn hydroelectric scheme on the Zambesi river, about 60km downstream from the Cahora Bassa Dam.

The Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy is looking for a company to help prepare the legal and financial structuring of the Mphanda Nkuwa dam, as well as the associated transmission system.

It’s statement said: “The ion of consultants will be made through a competitive international contracting process, with competing companies having proven experience in carrying out similar work with the same complexity.”

Augusto de Sousa, the deputy minister of Energy and Mineral Resources,saidin an interview with Lusa, Portugal’s official news agency that the dam would take about 10 years to complete. “Speaking very frankly, Mpanda Nkuwa should go to 2028 or 2029. It won’t happen earlier.”

The ministry added that the ed company would work with the Mphanda Nkuwa Hydroelectric Project Implementation Office, d last February to oversee the scheme. The ministry is presently looking to hire a director for this agency.

The Mphanda Nkuwa dam will be 103m tall and is expected to have a capacity of 1.5GW.

It was approved in September 2007, but plans stalled. Filipe Nyusi, the president of Mozambique, announced in August last year that the project would be revived.

Mphanda Nkuwa has already aroused controversy, partly because some 1,400 families will have to be relocated, and partly because of its effect on the Zambesi’s downstream irrigation systems.

Environmental NGO Justica Ambiental,commentedthat “Mphanda Nkuwa could cement the current problems that are killing the Zambezi ecosystem”.

The ministry says the dam will enable Mozambique to increase its installed capacity from 1GW to 8GW over the next 25 years, and enable universal access to mains electricity.

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