

  • 水处理


2011-03-29 10:57来源:中华人民共和国环境保护部关键词:火电厂氮氧化物防治技术政策收藏点赞



索 引 号: 000014672/2010-00037

Index No: 000014672/2010-00037

分类: 环境科技及其管理信息\环境标准

Classification: Environmental Technologies and Its Management and Information/ Environmental Standard

发布单位: 科技标准司

Announcement Party: technology Standard Department

生成日期: 2010年01月27日

Date of Occurrence: January 27, 2010

名 称: 关于发布《火电厂氮氧化物防治技术政策》的通知

Subject: Regarding Notice of Issuance of《Fossil-fired Power Plant‘s NOx Emission Prevention and Control Policy

文 号: 环发[2010]10号

Document No.: Huan Fa No. 10 [2010]


《Fossil-fired Power Plant‘s NOx Emission Prevention and Control Policy》

1总则 General Provisions


1.1 This Technology Policy is to thoroughly set 《People's Republic of China?s Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law》, to control NOx emission caused pollution from fossil-fuel fired power plants, to improve ambient air quality, to protect the ecological environment and promote sustainable development of the thermal power industry, and advancement of NOx emission reduction and control technologies.


1.2 This Technology Policy applies to NOx emissions control of coal-fired power generation and cogeneration units. For control of NOx emissions by power generating and cogeneration units burning other type of fuels, please refer to this Technology Policy for implementation.


1.3 The Technology Policy?s focus is on the control of 200MW or bigger coal-fired power generation and cogeneration units throughout the country and all such units in air pollution control “Focus Regions”.


1.4 Strengthen our adjustments on better structuring the power sources, speed up the elimination of 100MW or smaller coal-fired, condensing turbine units, continue to implement the "replacing smaller units with big ones" policy and actively develop high-capacity, sophisticated-parameter large-scale coal-fired units and “using heat to fix cogenerated power” projects in cogeneration, so to improve the utilization efficiency of energy resources.

投稿与新闻线索:陈女士 微信/手机:13693626116 邮箱:chenchen#bjxmail.com(请将#改成@)


