

  • 水处理


2011-09-08 17:35来源:阳光电源关键词:光伏逆变器ETL阳光电源收藏点赞





同时为满足加拿大安大略省“Buy Canada”的要求,已于4月份建成投产的加拿大阳光电源(Sungrow Canada Inc.)也在此次检测中顺利通过Intertek的严格厂检,取得在加拿大地区生产、销售SUNGROW牌逆变器的通行证。


Recently, the PV inverter SG100KC produced by Sungrow Canada Inc. successfully received the certification of ETL(C) as a pass card to the Canadian market.

With its advantaged PV generating condition as vast area and plentiful sunshine, Canada is an important section of the North American PV market. In order to enter into this potential market, our R&D personnel optimized the relevant product parameters and developed SG100KC to meet the application requirement of safety and reliability and product access requirement of the Canadian market. In this Intertek detection, SG100KC successfully got through the certification process and obtained the pass card to the Canadian PV market due to its well design and excellent technical indicators.

Meanwhile, in accordance with “Buy Canada” policy in Ontario, Sungrow Canada Inc., which was up and running in April 2011, also got through the strict factory inspection from Intertek and was entitled to manufacture and sell inverters with the brand of SUNGROW.

As an emerging market of global PV industry, Canada constantly increasing the support to PV industry development and becoming another vital center of international PV industry. ETL certification qualified our inverter to get into the Canadian market and contributed abundant experience for the design and development of coming series of products especially for the North American market, and it will certainly accelerate our extending speed in North America.

投稿与新闻线索:陈女士 微信/手机:13693626116 邮箱:chenchen#bjxmail.com(请将#改成@)


