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2012-04-06 09:47来源:北极星电力网关键词:美国风力发电风电装机容量收藏点赞





1、 美国每年风电装机容量及新增风电装机容量





















State  Project Name  Project Capacity (MW)  Number of Wind Turbines  Turbine Rating (MW)  Turbine Manufacturer  Project Developer  Project Owner  Power Purchaser 
CA  Tehachapi 1.6 Proto-Type  1.6 1 1.6 GE Energy  GE Energy  GE Energy   
HI  Kahuku Wind  30 12 2.5 Clipper  First Wind  First Wind  HECO 
ID  Idaho Wind Partners 1 (11 farms - 2011)  118.5 79 1.5 GE Energy  Exergy Development Group / Reunion Power  Idaho Wind Partners 1, LLC  Idaho Power 
IL  Big Sky Wind Facility  239.4 114 2.1 Suzlon  midwest Wind Energy  Edison Mission Group  Merchant 
MN  Adams  19.8 12 1.7 Alstom  Juhl Wind  Juhl Wind  Xcel Energy 
MN  Bent Tree  201.3 122 1.7 Vestas  Wind Capital Group/Alliant Energy  Alliant Energy (Wisconsin Power & Light)  Alliant Energy (Wisconsin Power & Light) 
MN  Danielson Wind  19.8 12 1.7 Alstom  Juhl Wind  Juhl Wind  Xcel Energy 
MN  Lakefield (phase I)  52.5 35 1.5 GE Energy  enXco  enXco  Indianapolis Power & Light 
MO  Lost Creek Ridge Wind Farm (2011)  1.5 1 1.5 GE Energy  Wind Capital Group  Wind Capital Group  Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. (AECI) 
NE  Laredo Ridge  81 54 1.5 GE Energy  midwest Wind Energy  Edison Mission Group  NPPD 
NY  Hardscrabble  74 37 2 Gamesa  Iberdrola Renewables  Iberdrola Renewables  Merchant 
PA  Frey Farm  3.2 2 1.6 GE Energy  PPL Renewable Energy, LLC and Lancaster county Solid Waste Management Authority  PPL Renewable Energy  Turkey Hill Dairy 
SD  Crow Lake (2011)  64.5 43 1.5 GE Energy  PrairieWinds SD 1 (Subsidiary of Basin Electric)  PrairieWinds SD 1 (Subsidiary of Basin Electric), 63 MW/ Mitchell Technical Institute 1.5 MW  Basin Electric Power 
SD  Crow Lake (2011) - Community Owned  10.5 7 1.5 GE Energy  PrairieWinds SD 1 (Subsidiary of Basin Electric)  South Dakota Wind Partners  Basin Electric Power 
TX  Loraine II  49.5 33 1.5 GE Energy  Third Planet Windpower  Third Planet Windpower  Merchant 
WA  Juniper Canyon  151.2 63 2.4 Mitsubishi  Iberdrola Renewables  Iberdrola Renewables  Merchant 


State  Project Name  Project Capacity (MW)  Number of Wind Turbines  Turbine Rating (MW)  Turbine Manufacturer  Project Developer  Project Owner  Power Purchaser 
CA  Alta III  150 50 3 Vestas  Terra-Gen Power  Terra-Gen Power  Southern California Edison 
CA  Alta IV  102 34 3 Vestas  Terra-Gen Power  Terra-Gen Power  Southern California Edison 
CA  Alta V  168 56 3 Vestas  Terra-Gen Power  Terra-Gen Power  Southern California Edison 
IL  White Oak Energy Center  150 100 1.5 GE Energy  Invenergy  Invenergy  TVA 
MA  Berkshire Wind Power Project  15 10 1.5 GE Energy  Berkshire Wind Power Cooperative Corporation  Berkshire Wind Power Cooperative Corporation  Berkshire Wind Power Cooperative Corporation 
MA  Ipswich  1.6 1 1.6 GE Energy  Town of Ipswich  Town of Ipswich  Ipswich Municipal Light Department; Ipswich Public Schools 
MA  Mount Wachusett Community College  3.3 2 1.65 Vestas  Mount Wachusett Community College  Mount Wachusett Community College  Community College 
MD  Roth Rock  50 20 2.5 Nordex  Synergics  Gestamp  Delmarva Power (80%), U. of D and State General Service Department (20%) 
MN  Community Wind North  30 12 2.5 Clipper  Southwest Wind Consulting, Community Energy Developers Board, Lincoln county Enterprise Development  Edison Mission Group  Xcel Energy 
MN  University of Minnesota Morris II - PES  1.65 1 1.65 Vestas  University of Minnesota - Morris  University of Minnesota - Morris  University of Minnesota - Morris; excess to Otter Tail Power 
MN  Winona county Wind  1.5 2 0.75 Unison  Juhl Wind  Juhl Wind  Xcel Energy 
OH  Lincoln Electric  2.5 1 2.5 Kenersys  Lincoln Electric  Lincoln Electric  Lincoln Electric 
OH  Timber Road II  54 30 1.8 Vestas  EDP Renewables North America LLC  EDP Renewables North America LLC  AEP Ohio 
OR  Leaning Juniper 2a  90.3 43 2.1 Suzlon  Iberdrola Renewables  Iberdrola Renewables  Merchant 
OR  Leaning Juniper 2b  111 74 1.5 GE Energy  Iberdrola Renewables  Iberdrola Renewables  Merchant 
UT  Milford II  102 68 1.5 GE Energy  First Wind  First Wind  SCPPA 
TX  Lubbock Wind Ranch  5 2 2.5 Samsung  Cielo Wind Services  Lubbock Wind LLC  Merchant 
Repowers Completed Second Quarter 2011 
CA  San Gorgonio Wind Farm (Re-Power)  6 2 3 Vestas  Whitewater Energy Corporation  San Gorgonio Farms Inc.  Southern California Edison 


State  Project Name  Project Capacity (MW)  Number of Wind Turbines  Turbine Rating (MW)  Turbine Manufacturer  Project Developer  Project Owner  Power Purchaser 
AZ  Kingman  10.0  5 2 Gamesa  Western Wind Energy Corp.  Western Wind Energy Corp.  Unisource Energy Services 
CO  Cedar Creek II  250.8 123 1.6 (GE); 2.5 (Nordex)  GE Energy (63); Nordex (60)  BP Wind Energy  BP Wind Energy  Xcel Energy 
CO  Cedar Point Wind  250.2 139 1.8 Vestas  RES Americas  Enbridge  Xcel Energy 
IA  Pomeroy  29.9 13 2.3 Siemens  midAmerican Energy  midAmerican Energy  midAmerican Energy 
IA  Roeder Farms  1.6 1 1.6 GE Energy  5045 Wind Partners  5045 Wind Partners  Alliant Energy 
IA  Wind Walkers  1.6 1 1.6 GE Energy  5045 Wind Partners  5045 Wind Partners  Alliant Energy 
IL  Brown county Wind  1.5 1 1.5 VENSYS  Adams Electric Cooperative  Adams Electric Cooperative  Adams Electric Cooperative 
IL  Testa Produce  0.75 1 0.75 Aeronautica  Testa Produce  Testa Produce  Testa Produce 
ME  Rollins  60 40 1.5 GE Energy  First Wind  First Wind  Central Maine Power; Bangor Hydro Electric 
MI  Stoney Corners III  20.6 10 Varies  REpower (9); Northern Power Systems (1)  Heritage Sustainable Energy  Heritage Sustainable Energy  Consumers Energy (2012) 
MN  Lakefield  153 102 1.5 GE Energy  enXco  enXco  Indianapolis Power & Light 
MN  Valley View††  10 5 2 Gamesa  Juhl Wind  Juhl Wind  Xcel Energy 
NE  Springview II Wind Facility  3 2 1.5 VENSYS  Bluestem LLC  Bluestem LLC  NPPD 
NM  Macho Springs Wind Farm I  50.4 28 1.8 Vestas  Element Power  Element Power  Tucson Electric Power 
OH  Timber Road II  45 25 1.8 Vestas  EDP Renewables North America LLC  EDP Renewables North America LLC  AEP Ohio 
OK  Taloga  129.6 54 2.4 Mitsubishi  Edison Mission Group  Edison Mission Group  OG&E 
TX  Golden Spread Panhandle Wind Ranch  78.2 34 2.3 Siemens  Cielo Wind Services  Golden Spread Electric Cooperative  Golden Spread Electric Cooperative 
TX  Ralls Wind Farm  10 5 2 Sany  Canyon West  Ralls Corp.  Xcel Energy 
WV  Laurel Mountain  97.6 61 1.6 GE Energy  AES  AES  Merchant 


State  Project Name  Project Capacity (MW)  Number of Wind Turbines  Turbine Rating (MW)  Turbine Manufacturer  Project Developer  Project Owner  Power Purchaser 
CA  Alta VI (partial)  132 44 3 Vestas  Terra-Gen Power  Terra-Gen Power  Southern California Edison 
CA  Alta VIII (partial)  129 43 3 Vestas  Terra-Gen Power  Terra-Gen Power  Southern California Edison 
CA  Anheuser-Busch Fairfield  1.5 1 1.5 GE Energy  Foundation Windpower  Foundation Windpower  Anheuser-Busch 
CA  Inland Empire Utility Agency (IEUA)  1 1 1 Mitsubishi  Foundation Windpower  Foundation Windpower  IEUA 
CA  Shiloh III  102.5 50 2.05 REpower  enXco  enXco  Pacific Gas & Electric 
IA  Elk  42.5 17 2.5 Nordex  RPM Access Wind Development  RPM Access Wind Development  Central Iowa Power Cooperative 
IA  Laurel  119.6 52 2.3 Siemens  RPM Access Wind Development  midAmerican Energy  midAmerican Energy 
IA  Little Cedar  1.5 1 1.5 Goldwind  Paul Roeder  Buffalo Center Wind LLC  Dairyland Power Cooperative 
IA  Luther College Wind Turbine  1.6 1 1.6 GE Energy  Luther College  Luther College Wind Energy Project, LLC  Alliant Energy 
IA  New London  1.5 1 1.5 VENSYS  Shermco Industries 
IA  Rolling Hills  443.9 193 2.3 Siemens  midAmerican Energy  midAmerican Energy  midAmerican Energy 
IA  Story City Wind  1.5 1 1.5 Goldwind  Clark Thompson  Hamilton Wind Energy LLC  Story City Municipal Electric Utility 
IA  Traer Wind  1.5 1 1.5 Goldwind  Clark Thompson  Norsemen Wind Energy LLC  Traer Municipal Electric Utility 

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