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2019-12-12 12:02来源:中国石化新闻网关键词:清洁能源电力需求电力投资收藏点赞







迪拜还完成了一项价值43亿美元的集中太阳能发电(CSP)项目Noor Energy 1的融资,该项目是世界上最大的单站点电力投资项目。

该报告估计,到2025年,装机容量需要增加35%才能满足中东日益增长的需求。 人口的快速增长加上雄心勃勃的工业和经济扩张计划正导致对电力的需求不断增长,预计到2050年电力需求将增加两倍。

在精心的拍卖、有利的融资条件和不断下降的技术成本的推动下,可再生能源正在成为主流。 根据已经制定的可再生能源目标,到2030年,以阿联酋为首的该地区可以节省3.54亿桶石油,相当于减少了23%,这将使电力部门二氧化碳排放量减少22%,电力部门的用水减少17%。

该报告是作为Informa Markets将于2020年3月在迪拜举办的“中东能源2020”活动而发布的预览版。

王桌芳 摘译自 ZAWYA


MENA has $100bln of clean energy projects in pipeline

The MENA region has $100 billion worth of clean energy projects currently in the pipeline, according to a report by Energy & Utilities.

The report estimates total investment in clean energy to exceed $300 bn by 2050 if the region’s utilities are to meet their ambitious targets.

Middle East Energy said that the sharp in the cost of solar and wind power technologies is driving clean energy, with the cost of installing photovoltaic (PV) solar and wind having fallen by 73 percent and 80 per cent respectively since 2010.

The commissioning of the world’s largest single-site photovoltaic (PV) solar plant in 2019, the 1.17GW Sweihan independent power project (IPP) in Abu Dhabi, is one of the milestones reached this year in the push for clean energy, the report noted.

Dubai also reached financial close for a $4.3 billion concentrated solar power (CSP) project, Noor Energy 1, which is the largest single-site power investment project in the world.

The report estimates that installed power generation capacity will be required to increase 35 percent by 2025 just to meet rising demand in the Middle East. Rapid population growth combined with ambitious industrial and economic expansion programmes is resulting in the growing need for power, as demand for electricity is expected to triple by 2050.

Driven by well-designed auctions, favourable financing conditions and declining technology costs, renewables are being brought into the mainstream. Based on the renewables targets already in place, the region, led by the UAE, could save 354 million barrels of oil which is equivalent to a 23 per cent reduction, cut the power sector’s carbon dioxide emissions by 22 percent, and slash water withdrawal in the power sector by 17 percent by 2030.

The report was published as a preview to an event in Dubai, The Middle East Energy2020, which will be organised by Informa Markets in March 2020.

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