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2020-01-16 10:06来源:中国石化新闻网关键词:风电装机新能源美国收藏点赞



美国能源情报署1月14日报道,EIA预计2020年美国将新增42 GW发电能力。太阳能和风能新增约32 GW,占总新增能源的76%。风能在这些新增能源中所占比例最大,为44%;其次是太阳能和天然气,分别为32%和22%;余下的2%来自水力发电机和蓄电池。

风电:运营商计划在2020年实现18.5 GW的风电容量,超过2012年创下的13.2 GW的纪录水平。超过60%或11.2 GW的风电容量计划在年底,即2020年11月和12月上线。美国生产税抵免(PTC)将于2020年底到期,这将推动风电容量的大幅增加。EIA预计新增风电容量将达到11.8 GW。五个州占2020年计划新增风电容量的一半以上,其中得克萨斯州占32%;俄克拉荷马州占6%;怀俄明州、科罗拉多州和密苏里州各占5%。

太阳能光伏:EIA预计2020年太阳能发电量将达到13.5 GW,超过此前2016年新增8 GW的年度纪录。

天然气发电:2020年计划新增天然气发电能力为9.3 GW。联合循环发电厂占6.7 GW,燃机发电厂占2.3 GW。超过70%的新增发电能力分布在宾夕法尼亚州、得克萨斯州、加利福尼亚州和路易斯安那州。

贾丽 摘译自 美国能源情报署


New electric generating capacity in 2020 will come primarily from wind and solar

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) latest inventory of electric generators, EIA expects 42 gigawatts (GW) of new capacity additions to start commercial operation in 2020. Solar and wind represent almost 32 GW, or 76%, of these additions. Wind acs for the largest share of these additions at 44%, followed by solar and natural gas at 32% and 22%, respectively. The remaining 2% comes from hydroelectric generators and battery storage.

Wind. Operators have scheduled 18.5 GW of wind capacity to come online in 2020, surpassing the record level of 13.2 GW set in 2012. More than 60%, or 11.2 GW, of wind capacity is scheduled to come online at the end of the year, in November and December of 2020. Expiration of the U.S. production tax credit (PTC) at the end of 2020 is driving the large wind capacity addition. EIA expects will total 11.8 GW. Five states ac for more than half of the 2020 planned wind capacity additions. Texas acs for 32%; followed by Oklahoma at 6%; then Wyoming, Colorado, and Missouri at 5% each.

Solar photovoltaics. EIA expects 13.5 GW of solar capacity to come online in 2020, surpassing the previous annual record addition of 8 GW in 2016.

Natural gas. Planned natural gas capacity additions for 2020 are 9.3 GW. Combined-cycle plants ac for 6.7 GW and combustion-turbine plants ac for 2.3 GW. More than 70% of these additions are in Pennsylvania, Texas, California, and Louisiana.

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