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2016-05-17 13:35来源:储能科学与技术关键词:储能储能系统自适应优化控制收藏点赞



摘要:为解决基于斜率控制的储能系统控制方法的不足,提出一种基于自适应动态规划(adaptive dynamic programming,ADP)方法的储能系统自适应优化控制策略。一方面通过储能系统对风电输出的不稳定功率进行调节, 使其满足风电并网要求;另一方面控制电池荷电状态(state of ge,SOC)保持在适宜的范围内, 实现电池储能系统合理充放电的功能。

以典型风电场功率为例, 在风电波动率和荷电状态等约束条件下,对比基于斜率控制的储能系统控制方法和所提出的基于 ADP 的储能系统优化控制方法二者的控制效果,验证了基于 ADP 的储能系统优化控制方法的有效性和可行性。该方法能够实时在线调节平滑过程, 实现对储能系统充放电功率的二次优化。

关键词: 自适应动态规划; 电池储能系统; 充放电功率控制;荷电状态;风储联合发电系统

李相俊 1,张晶琼 2,何宇婷 2,惠东 1基于自适应动态规划的储能系统优化控制方法

(1.新能源与储能运行控制国家重点实验室(中国电力科学研究院),北京市 海淀区 100192;

2.华北电力大学 控制与计算机工程学院,北京市 昌平区 102206)

Optimal Control Method of Energy Storage System Based on Adaptive Dynamic Programming

LI Xiangjun1, ZHANG Jingqiong2, HE Yuting2, HUI Dong1

(1. State Key Laboratory of Control and Operation of Renewable Energy and Storage Systems

(China Electric Power Research Institute), Haidian District, Beijing 100192, China;

2. School of Control and Computer Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Changping District, Beijing 102206, China)

ABSTRACT: In order to solve problem of control lack ofenergy storage system based on slope control method, this paper proposes an adaptive dynamic programming (ADP)based method to optimize control of battery energy storage systems (BESS) adaptively. This method can be used to adjust unstable wind turbine output to meet requirements of wind power and to control battery state of ge maintained within suitable range to achieve a reasonable ge and disge function of the battery. Taking a typical wind farm’s output for example, under limitation of wind power volatility and state of ge, through comparing controlling result of two methods,i.e. slope controlling method of wind fluctuation and optimal control method of BESS based on ADP, simulation results verify effectiveness and feasibility of the method. The proposed method can smooth wind power fluctuation in real time, and ging and disging of BESS can be optimized once more.

KEY WORDS: ADP; battery energy storage system; ge and disge power control; state of ge; hybrid wind and energy-storage power system

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研究的热点。一方面要求储能系统对风力发电场输出的不稳定功率进行调节,使其满足风电并网的条件;另一方面控制电池储能系统的合理充放电,使其荷电状态(state of ge,SOC)保持在适宜的范围内,提高储能电池的控制有效性,延长其使用寿命。

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