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2016-10-21 13:55来源:供用电杂志作者:谢宁 范明天关键词:配电网配电网技术智能配电网收藏点赞



5 结语










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[4]Jonathan Berry,Neil Murdoch.Standardised Connections and the economic benefits of fault current limiters on distribution networks [C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[5]Uri Garbi.Increasing power generation capacity on meshed electrical grids - gridon’s fault current limiter successfully suppresses multiple network faults during two years in service [C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[6]Gilbert Manhangwe,Tim Manandhar,Paul Pretlove,et al.Operational experience of using a quadrature-booster from uk power networks' flexible plug and play project [C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[7]Ken'ichiro YAMANE,Takuya MATSUMOTO,Masahiro WATANABE,et al.Estimation method for frequency of svr tap changing by fluctuation analysis of pv generation [C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[8]Juha Haakana,Lassila,Tero Kaipia,et al.Profitability of underground cabling in the Finnish rural electricity distribution in the future[C]//CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[9]Philipp Schäfer,Hendrik Vennegeerts,Simon Krah,et al.Derivation of recommendations for the future reactive power exchange at the interface between distribution and transmission grid [C]//CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[10]Luciano Cocchi,Cristiano Pezzato,Alberto Cerretti,et al.New ancillary services required to electrical storage systems for correct network planning and operation[C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[11]Jingjing Zhang,Jing Zhang,Yuliang Wang.Wind farm operation and control strategy based on battery storage system [C]//CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[12]Kyoichi Uehara,Claus Kern,Joseph L Koepfinger,et al.Future vision of transmission and distribution 2030 [C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[13]James King,Jamie McWilliam,Gillian Williamson,et al.Development of methods and models for a study into uk distribution systems of 2030 [C]//CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[14]Hauke Basse.Smart grid taxonomy - a system view from a DSO's perspective [C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[15]Marco Rossi,Jesus Varela Sanz,Benoit Bletterie,et al.On the definition and applicability of key performance indicators for evaluating the performance of smart grids concepts [C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015

[16]Stijn Van Loo,Damien PICAULT.Comparing the integration of innovative aspects in Smart Grid demonstration projects [C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015

[17]Daniel Perez Duarte,Marcelo Aparecido Pelegrini,Ewerton Guarnier,et al.Development tool for regulatory evaluation of investment in expansion of brazilian distribution systems [C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[18]Benoît Puluhen,Aude Pelletier,Loïc Joseph-Auguste,et al.Concept Grid:a new test platform for smart grid systemsGeneral presentation & Experiments [C]//CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[19]Andreas Abart,Walter Tenschert,Ewald Traxler.Conclusions from smart grid field tests -deployment of results,methods and new technologies [C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[20]Daniel Schacht,Hendrik Vennegeerts,Bj?rn Keune,et al.Voltage control in intelligent secondary substations by voltage observation methods based on local measurements [C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[21]Claire Newton,Cliff Walton,James Gooding.Selecting sites for FUN-LV field trials[C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[22]Clement baudot,Guillaume roupioz,Aymeric billet.Modernizing distribution network management with Linky smart meters - lessons learned in GreenLys project [C]//CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[23]Stian Reite,Magnar Bjørk,Åshild Helland.Cost analysis from smart grid implementation in medium voltage distribution grid[C]//CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[24]Régis DECORME,Alain ANFOSSO,Isabelle JALMAIN,et al.CITYOPT - Holistic simulation and optimisation of energy systems in smart cities [C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[25]Maria Aigner,Ernst Schmautzer,Beate Friedl,et al.Synergetic effects for DSOs and customers caused by the integration of renewables into the distribution network - Influences on business and national economics [C].CIRED,Lyon,France,2015

[26]Mark Sprawson,Dave A Roberts,David Clements,et al.Planning network investment in a smart low carbon world [C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[27]Frits Wattjes,Rob Goes,Jur Erbrink.Distribution Network planning for commercial and industrial areas:the realisation of flexible and modular smart microgrids [C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[28]Dae young KIM.Microgrid's strategic planning in KEPCO [C]//CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[29]Per Nørgaard.New design methods for energy infrastructures in future urban areas [C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[30]Jorge Pena-Martinez,Christopher Williams, Laura Kane,et al.Curtailment assessment methods acterisation and definition [C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[31]Jintae Cho,Jae-Han Kim,Wookyu Chae,et al.Design and construction of Korean LVDC distribution system for Supplying DC power to customer [C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[32]Janne Karppanen,Tero Kaipia,Aleksi Mattsson,et al.Selection of voltage level in low voltage DC utility distribution system [C]// CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[33]Pieter Vingerhoets.The European technology platform for smart grids.PPT of RT16,CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[34]Bo Normark.The Swedish action plan for smart grid.PPT of RT16,CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.

[35]Kjell Sand.Smart grid landscape and road map - Norway.PPT of RT16,CIRED,Lyon,France,2015.


原标题:【高占比可再生能源】No.2 配电网的技术发展方向
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