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2020-04-27 13:05来源:走进电力市场关键词:电力市场电力市场改革电价收藏点赞





5.1 如何让市场发挥更好作用主要从提高效率的角度考虑,包括提高优化空间、降低交易成本、降低市场失灵等角度。重点需要对以下方面进行研究:1)现货市场的组织,即日前、实时市场分别如何报价、如何出清、如何定价和结算;2)辅助服务品种设计及交易机制的设计;3)不同类型(年度、月度、日前)市场中输电可用容量的计算方法,以提高电网利用率,提高优化空间;4)保证发电容量充裕度的机制设计,如容量市场、稀缺定价等。

5.2 如何让政府更好发挥作用电力市场环境下,政府的作用在以下方面:1)解决市场失灵问题。重点需要研究①对发电企业的市场力监控。②缺失市场(missing market)、缺失资金(missing money)问题。2)垄断环节的监管。优化输配电定价方案,包括跨省跨区输电定价机制、省内输配电交叉补贴问题、分时输配电价机制。3)公平性问题。通过发电权分配、输电权分配、政府授权合约设计等方式,解决改革前后不同地区、不同类型机组、不同类型用户福利变化问题。



The objectives, constraints, environment and keycontents of electricity market design

(Qian Xiao[1], Yun Yu[2], Zhaoxia Jing[2])

1. Energy Development Research Institute, CSG,Guangzhou

2. School of Electric Power Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou

Abstract:Electricity marketreform and market construction in Chinahas gradually entered a deep-water zone, which is faced with many problems,such as the difficulty in coordinating various objectives, the inconsistency between the reform objectives and the initial intention of reform at the present stage, and the lack of overall consideration in the design of electricity market market. Firstly, wemakea systematic analysis of the objectives of the electricity market reform, and analyzes the objectives from different perspectives, including efficiency and equity, long-term efficiency and short-term efficiency, objectives and constraints, ultimate goals and path goals. Then, the market environment, another key factor affecting market design, is analyzed. On this basis, the different links of electricity market design, including trading products, trading mechanism, regulatory and other specific content are analyzed and discussed. Specific suggestions are given for the key issues in light of the specific situation of electricity market in China. Some conceptual and qualitative discussions on how to conduct top-level design of power market are carried out. In the follow-up, more in-depth and quantitative analysis on specific design issues are needed as soon as possible.Key words:electricity market reform; market mechanismdesign; market objectives and routs; market structure参考文献[1]Stoft S. Power System Economics:Designing Markets forElectricity[J]. Journal of Energy Literature, 2002, 99(1):58 - 63.[2]Imran K, Kockar I. A technical comparison of wholesale electricitymarkets in North America and Europe[J]. Electric Power Systems Research, 2014,108(3):59-67.[3]郑新业. 突破“不可能三角”:中国能源革命的缘起、目标与实现路径[M]. 科学出版社, 2016.[4]国家发展改革委, 国家能源局. 关于促进西南地区水电消纳的通知. 发改运行〔2017〕1830号[EB/OL].[2018-07-16]./s/POqgXxXUyhoKHu3UPhYYhA.[28]荆朝霞, 朱继松. 月度电量集中竞价市场规则的仿真实验分析[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2017, 41(24):42-48.[29]荆朝霞,陈中飞. 电力市场集中竞价的经济学原理分析(十阻塞管理2-事前和事后阻塞管理)[EB/OL].[2017-04-26].https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/WHZG8MjKJ5fFQixUNJ_EIA.[30]EMA. Vesting Contact[EB/OL].[ 2018-07-10 ]./uc/item/3bm412h4.[32] 陈紫颖,荆朝霞,刘云仁,等.电力现货市场增量优化与全电量优化模式的比较[J].南方电网技术,2019,13(11):1-8.


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