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2023-03-14 10:32来源:中国石油新闻网关键词:雪佛龙碳捕集与封存项目低碳领域收藏点赞



据天然气加工新闻网3月8日报道,雪佛龙美国股份有限公司旗下的雪佛龙新能源公司(Chevron New Energies)和日本JERA有限公司(JERA)签署了一份谅解备忘录,为双方在美国和澳大利亚的碳捕集与封存项目上的合作提供了框架。该谅解备忘录有可能扩大雪佛龙和JERA目前的重要液化天然气(LNG)关系,并进一步表明两家公司对推进低碳解决方案的承诺和决心。


雪佛龙(Chevron)碳捕获利用和储存副总裁克里斯·鲍尔斯(Chris Powers)表示:“我们与JERA建立了长期的液化天然气合作关系,这一关系将继续发展,旨在为我们的客户提供价格合理、可靠且更清洁的解决方案。我们在地下领域拥有丰富的经验和能力,并正在世界各地积极开发CCS项目。我们明白,如果没有像我们与JERA这样的长期合作关系,我们就无法开发这些资源,也无法以我们一直在推进能源转型目标的速度前进。”

JERA资源采购与投资部主管、执行官Gaku Takagi表示:“根据JERA 2050年二氧化碳零排放目标,JERA一直致力于到2050年将国内外企业的二氧化碳排放量降至零。多年来,JERA和雪佛龙携手合作,为我们的客户带来稳定可靠的液化天然气,此次CCS合作进一步表明了我们对推进低碳解决方案的坚定承诺。雪佛龙在CCS业务方面拥有丰富的专业知识和经验,因此我们期待着在向脱碳社会转型的过程中共同努力。”

郝芬 译自 天然气加工新闻网


Chevron and JERA sign MoU to explore carbon capture and storage projects in U.S. and Australia

Chevron New Energies (Chevron), a division of Chevron U.S.A. Inc., and JERA Co. Inc. (JERA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that provides a framework for their collaboration on carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects located in the U.S. and Australia. This MoU has the potential to expand the significant liquid natural gas (LNG) relationship that Chevron and JERA have today, and further demonstrates the commitment and dedication both companies have to advancing lower carbon solutions.

This MoU furthers the collaboration between the companies in the lower carbon space, following the November 2022 announcement of their collaboration on the potential co-development of lower carbon fuel in Australia and the study of liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC) in the U.S.

“We have a long-standing LNG relationship with JERA that continues to progress, with the intent of bringing affordable, reliable and ever-cleaner solutions to our customers,” said Chris Powers, Vice President of Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage at Chevron. “We have deep experience and capability in subsurface and are actively developing CCS projects around the world. We understand that without long-term relationships like the one we have with JERA, we wouldn’t be able to develop these resources and move at the pace we have been moving to further our energy transition goals.”

Gaku Takagi, Executive Officer, Head of the Resource Procurement & Investment Division of JERA, said, “Under its 'JERA Zero CO2 Emissions 2050' objective, JERA has been working to reduce CO2 emissions from its domestic and overseas businesses to zero by 2050. JERA and Chevron have worked together to bring stable and reliable LNG to our customers over the years, and this CCS collaboration further demonstrates our strong commitment to advance lower carbon solutions. Chevron brings significant expertise and experience in the CCS business, so we look forward to working together as we aim to transition to a decarbonized society.”

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