

  • 水处理


2015-09-15 16:49来源:阿尔斯通水电中国关键词:阿尔斯通水电技术水电设备收藏点赞



 Hydro teams are celebrating an important ‘first’ in Turkey – the first 35 MW SAM turbine-generator in the world to go into commercial operation. The Tepekisla project in Turkey is the first time that Alstom has used its SAM – a standardised scalable solution for small and medium-sized Hydro projects – for such a large project. Previously the technology was only deployed up to 25 MW.

处女月看处女秀~本月,由阿尔斯通倾力打造的世界首个35 MW SAM水力发电项目——土耳其Tepekisla项目投入运营。SAM技术原本致力于为小-中型水电站项目提供标准化、序列化的解决方案。而此技术在Tepekisla这样的大型项目上的成功应用标志着我们在水电技术上的又一突破!

The commercial operation of the unit at Tepekisla marks the successful scale up of the turbine-generator, and, with Alstom one of the front runners in this market, opens up a raft of opportunities for future business.


Alstom is providing two 35MW turbine-generator units and one 5MW unit for long-term customer Sanko Enerji at the site. The SAM unit has a horizontal axis, straight draft tube and double-regulated turbine directly coupled to the generator. It is dedicated to run-of-river, low height dam projects, with high disge rates and wide variations in head and disge.

阿尔斯通为长期客户——Sanko Enerji的电站提供了2台35MW水轮发电机组和1台5MW机组。SAM机组采用一个水平轴、直尾水管以及双调节的水轮机直接与发电机联接。适用于径流式、低坝大流量,水头变幅大的电站。

The appeal for customers is that electromechanical installation is about 12 months quicker, civil works are reduced and performance is enhanced, as compared with other classic Vertical Kaplan units of the same size. S-type units are a type of Kaplan developed for small and medium projects.

SAM技术能吸引客户的优势在于:和其他同等尺寸传统立轴转桨式机组相比,SAM机电安装周期缩短 12个月左右。在节省土建工作的同时,其性能也大幅提升。SAM型机组是针对小-中型项目研发的转桨式新型机组。

Scaling up the SAM technology, design, manufacture and installation took just 25 months, bringing together the best of Alstom Hydro’s innovation, manufacturing and installation capabilities. Teams collaborating on the project were Project Management in Turkey; turbine engineering and sourcing in Barcelona, Spain; generator engineering and sourcing in Bilbao, Spain; and manufacturing in Vadodara, India.


Other SAM projects that Hydro will take part in are expected to be announced in the near future.


投稿与新闻线索:陈女士 微信/手机:13693626116 邮箱:chenchen#bjxmail.com(请将#改成@)


